Lust for wander
God is in the breeze moving a curtain, in the breath filling my belly, in the dreams deep in my heart. All these things are sacred and beautiful.
I am part of the night sky – a blanket of twinkling sisters to whom I belong. I am understood and valued by this spiritual family, and they do not depart.
I can close my eyes in any moment and in any place and know that I am home with them, held in their embrace.
I am here and now and everything is possible.
I am here in this moment, heart in my hand. Arms and eyes wide open, vulnerable and hopeful and inspired by the absolute beauty of this planet. I am simple and I am wonderfully complex. And just so, exactly in this way, I am loved and I am loving.
I see starry nights, ocean waves, grassy plains and rainforest flora. I breath it all in – the expanse and wonder of this planet. It sustains and moves me, and I know, again, for certain, all is well.
How does the magnitude and variety of this planet escape us? How do we ever become preoccupied with anything less?
Blue skies, ocean water, warm sand, fisher boats, sea salt smells. Long mornings walking the coast, feeling the connection of that blanket of water to those I miss at home and anywhere else. We are all so connected and interrelated. It is as physical as it is spiritual.
I continue to explore. And serve. And explore…
And so on.
What I crave is not travel. It is a lust for soulful wandering.
What I crave are intimate moments that tell tales of redemption in the midst of revelry…
What I crave is to taste the sweetness that connection brings.